Tuesday, August 31, 2010 | By: Anita

Words of Wisdom - part four

It's hard to believe that I've completed my 31 day challenge already. I read 1 chapter a day of the Book of Proverbs for the month of August. This is a book of wise sayings, a textbook, if you will, for teaching people how to live godly lives. Throughout the book the topics of discussion tended to jump around giving it a scattered thought approach; however these five themes emerged during my reading.

ONE: Wisdom
God wants his people to be wise. Two kinds of people portray two contrasting paths of life. The fool is the wicked, stubborn person who hates or ignores God. The wise person seeks to know and love God. When we choose God's way, He grants us wisdom. His Word, the Bible leads us to live right, have right relationships, and make right decisions.
TWO: Relationships
Proverbs gives us advice for developing our personal relationships with friends, family members, and co-workers. In every relationship, we must show love, dedication, and high moral standards. To relate to people, we need consistency, tact, and discipline to use the wisdom God gives us. If we don`t treat others according to the wisdom God gives, our relationships suffer.
THREE: Speech
What we say shows our real attitude towards others. How we talk reveals what we're really like. Our speech is a test of how wise we have become. To be wise in our speech we need to use self-control. Our words should be honest and well chosen.
FOUR: Work
God controls the final outcome of all we do. We are accountable to carry out our work with diligence and discipline, not laziness. Because God evaluates how we live, we should work purposefully. We must never be lax or self-satisfied in using our skills.
FIVE: Success
Some people work very hard for money and fame, God views success as having a good reputation, moral character, and the spiritual devotion to obey him. A successful relationship with God counts for eternity. Everything we have have comes from God - our resources, time, and talent; we should use them wisely.
