Thursday, July 29, 2010 | By: Anita

The Beauty around us.....

Too often we get caught up in the busyness of life that we fail to notice the beauty that's around us; often just outside our own doors. When the kids were little I was fascinated by their fascination of stuff - the bugs that crawled, the flowers, the baby kitties, the calves running in the field, the well you get the idea.... At some point along the way I've allowed to many other things to clutter my mind and have therefore lost focus.

It seems in the arly morning before my mind starts with the days events, I have a clearer perception of the things around me. My plan today is to intentionally focus on the beauty that's around me and try not to get caught up in the busyness, that I've allowed to consume me.

Since I like every post to have a picture, I quickly went out and captured these photos of the beautiful flowers I have in my flowerbeds. Enjoy!
Nikko Blue Hydrangea Foxglove Rose of Sharon Blessings


Becky said...

Beautiful flowers I am enjoying my rose of sharon and climbing clamatus...i think those are the only flowers that survived our holiday

thanks for sharing pictures

Catherine said...

I am enjoying that you are continuing to post almost daily. You are so gifted in expressing your thoughts and heart. Thanks for reminding me about taking the time to see the beauty in my own surroundings, including those who God has blessed me with.