Sunday, June 13, 2010 | By: Anita

Zipline and more

We headed to Orillia again today, this time to find a place for Kyle to live while he's at school.

My niece Brenda, her husband Rich and their son Cedar live 3km from Georgian College, so we decided to visit them while we were in the area. Rich & Brenda are the Camp Directors for the Youth Leadership Camp Canada. Since there were no groups there today we were able to visit with them and enjoy supper together.

Rich thought it would be cool for Uncle Wayne & Kyle to try the zip line. Kyle was gung-ho, Wayne was a little more apprehensive, but after hearing his older sister did it, well, he couldn't be outdone. Brenda captured some awesome photos. (to be posted)

Thankfully, we did find Kyle a place to stay, not only is it close to the school, but it's also close to Rich, Brenda & Cedar. Knowing family is close by, makes this mother's heart beat a little easier.



Becky said...

So happy Kyle has found a place to live that is close to family...

So why did you not try the zip line??
LOL you would not catch me doing it
