Monday, August 3, 2009 | By: Anita


Today my mom & I washed, cut-up, cooked, and strained about 5.5 bushels of Harvest Apples and turned them into some yummy applesauce.
Looking at all those bushels of apples, the task ahead of us looked quite daunting. I'm so thankful that my mom was able to come and help me. It made it alot easier making applesauce with someone or I would probably still be at it. Plus it gave us a great opportunity to spend some time together catching up.

whew! what a day



Becky said...

do I get some applesauce even if I did not help???
hope you had a great day
the reward at the end of THIS taks must have been yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

mmm, I helped pick those apples! I want some when I come home next :)