Thursday, June 4, 2009 | By: Anita


I really am going to have to get me one of these.

Yesterday MCEC (Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada) that Zurich Mennonite Church is a part of had a day for all the Administrative Assistants in the conference. It was at a church in Kitchener, so again, I trusted Mapquest to find my directions for me. All goes well as I make my way from Zurich to the Courtland Ave exit in Kitchener. As I exit, I glace at my directions and it says to take Courtland Ave East, rounding the corner I quickly glance to see which way I need to go and the sign says "north or south". ok.... um, which way is east? Having to make an instant decision I turn South. I follow the directions telling me to drive 1.0km and then make the next turn, after driving 2.5km, I finally figured out I went the wrong way. So I knew I needed to turn around and as I quickly turned into a parking lot to get turned around, I realize I'm beginning to shake as I'm starting to panic.

Finally back on track, I was able to continue "north" on Courtland and follow the rest of directions and found my location.

The day was awesome!!! There were 47 ladies and 1 guy who attended, we sat at round tables and listened to Tim Reimer a Pastor at Danforth Mennonite speak on "The Rise and Fall of the church bulletin" he gave some interesting insight. After a delicious lunch there was 4 discussion groups, each 2 to run simultaneously. The whole day was such a wonderful time, a place to connect with others, who can totally understand the joys & frustrations of the job. It was great to reconnect with friends I met two years ago when they had another day like this. I thanked the two ladies that coordinated that day and encouraged them to consider this to be an annual thing.

As it's time for me to head home I begin to think/panic about how I'm going to get home, ok you can laugh, your thinking, "um sweetie, just take your directions and go in the reverse". So I headed back the way I came talking out loud to myself reminding me that yes, if I turned right to get there then I turn left to return and so on. I was super excited that I was able to find my way.

I ended up heading East on the 7&8 as I wanted to go see Krystle who is in Cambridge. I was very proud of myself that I could find my way there. We spent the afternoon and evening together (of course we made a Starbucks stop) Krys made us supper and we spent the rest of our time together just chatting.

Returning home by midnight (I made a not so quick stop at my Mom's) I explain my travels to Wayne, but as I get to the part as to which exit to take I pause and ask him which way he would go, and of course he says North, he must have an internal GPS. So I'm thinking as I'm sure many of you are that I need to get a GPS, so it's not so daunting for me when I travel alone.



Douglas Marino said...

That looks like a coll product. Nice Post.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had an ADVENTUROUS day!!! Good for you to step out of your comfort zone...
I thought Wayne got a GPS for Christmas?
I believe it is an internal thing for men, they just seem to have a better sense for direction...MOST women I know are directionally challenged ( myself included), that must be yet ANOTHER reason why God intended for man and woman to join we (woman) dont get lost....and can get our men to ask for directions...LOL