Friday, June 26, 2009 | By: Anita


The countdown can finally begin... it is officially one year from today that Krystle and Gerard will be married.

Anneka took this photo on Christmas Eve last year, when my kids hired her to take their pictures as part of my Christmas present.

Even though this is not the official engagement photo, those will come later, I love this picture!

It also just so happens that during the photo shoot, Gerard had 'the ring' in his pocket the whole time and later that evening, Gerard asked Krystle to marry him.

We've had alot of fun, thinking and planning the wedding so far and even though many more decisions will have to be made, it's going to be a fun year!



Becky said...

Blessings and prayers to you all as you plan for and anticipate this big day coming up...this year like all others will fly by fast
Take time to enjoy every moment..even on those days of disagreement