Saturday, December 22, 2007 | By: Anita

Three more sleeps.........

I remember when the kids were younger we used to count the passing of time by 'how many more sleeps' till the event.

.....ahhh how I miss those times.....

Christmas is such an exciting time of the year. But it also seems to be very stressful too. I've been talking to friends and there seems to be a common feeling of not being able to get everything (whatever that is ) all done.
I'm not sure why we put SO much pressure on ourselves (yes I am guilty of that too) to have it all together.

As our family is getting ready to celebrate Christmas, I try to tackle all the last minute preparations, without trying to get stressed, however, that is much easier said than done.

I look forward to spending time with my family and extended family. It's getting harder these days to gather together with everyone's busy schedules.

It's nice to have a holiday every once in a while to allow us the opportunity to slow down.

So in closing, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!



Anonymous said...

I like your comment "we try and get everything (whatever that is) done." What is everything and do we really have to do it? Something to think about.