Wednesday, December 5, 2007 | By: Anita

It's looking like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go.........
and finally in my house too.

I have our tree decorated and ornamental things throughout the rest of the house too. Looks pretty good.

For the past three nights I have been busy making Christmas cards. I was at a stamp camp with Jane and she showed us these cool little 3x3 cards. I thought to myself that is exactly what I plan to do this year for Christmas. I used to stress out so much trying make the full 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 card only to stop making as many as I would like to because of the time it takes.

So here are four of the designs that I have got so far.

Cute, aren't they?

Wayne & I plan to start Christmas shopping on Friday. This time it was not by choice to wait this long, but by circumstances. I cannot believe how busy our lives seem to get this time of year.

And on Saturday, I'm planning on meeting my sister to do our Christmas baking. Last year was the first year we started sharing this job. First off it is much for fun doing it with someone, and we can make more kinds and share them. A better bonus is that we do it all at her house..... so the mess stays there! I do help with the clean-up.

It's so hard to believe that Christmas is only in 20 days. I sure am glad that we have snow on the ground, somehow it just seems more like Christmas.



Bri said...

Very nice cards! Good idea.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to backing with you in the morning...
ALSO looking forward to making cards with you next week....

Blessings Bliss

Anonymous said...

Great looking cards. Can't wait to get one from you. The baking sounds fun...maybe I should start something like this....
