Friday, December 28, 2007 | By: Anita

Boys and Toys

We got Kyle & Darcy the Guitar Hero III, Legends of Rock for Christmas. Both were pretty excited. Wayne & I went all over London to EB Games, Future Shop, Wal-Mart and we couldn't find it anywhere.
So I had resigned myself that we would have to give a gift certified to them for it. (It's not quite the same.)

But then 3 days before Christmas, Wayne & I went to Goderich to finish Christmas shopping for other stuff and as chance would have it, there were over 20 Guitar Hero games in Wal-mart. As I am cashing out at the register, three guys (mid 20's) were in line behind me and as I am placing the Guitar Hero III up to purchase it, the one guy looks at me as gives me 'the nod.'

We got Kyle a Futon for his room. (Only the cover is pictured here)

We got Darcy contact lenses,

and of course Aviator sunglasses.

Pretty cool dudes.



Anonymous said...

Look at those cool boys, glad to hear you were able to find the "big" gift for them. It is frustrating to look and have no luck
glad it all worked out 4 you
Blessings Bliss