Thursday, February 2, 2017 | By: Anita


At the end of each year, I would start thinking and praying about my word for the following year, but by December 31, nothing felt right.  

I couldn’t come up with “the” word and finally just decided that 2017 wasn’t a year for finding just the right word.  

And if you know me, I was starting to get anxious about my one word or lack thereof for 2017.

As I was reading, praying, and searching for my word, I started to take notice that when I was scrolling through the newsfeed on Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest a pattern slowly emerged.  People that I follow on these sites {unknown to each other} were posting pics and reminders about JOY.  And just the other sleepless night, I found myself re-reading through some of the 2016 posts on my blog and again the word JOY revealed itself and you know what, that word is really starting to resonate with me.

So here we are, already a month into the New Year and I’ve finally found my word for 2017.
It’s that simple.

It’s something I’ve always struggled with, and something I want to work on this year.  I find it hard to relax and live in the moment and rarely am I content with things as they are.  It’s so easy in this life to get distracted from the things that matter.

I want to embrace life full even when I don’t think I have it in me.  I want to pursue more joy in my life, and it’s about accepting joy right in the middle of my life.

When it doesn’t make sense.

When it seems impossible.

Making time for joy when everything else is pressing in.

The kind of joy I’m talking about is not dependent on the circumstances in my life.

I need to find more of it again in who I am, what I do, where I’m going and why I’m here.

And so, as I begin this journey I am seeking His direction on how to  “consider it pure joy” in all areas of my life.

My goal is to be JOYful. Will you join me?

Take Care