Friday, February 17, 2017 | By: Anita

Note to Self

My journey over the past few years has been one of moving toward understanding and accepting that I am enough.

Whole. Complete. Nothing missing, nothing broken.

HE says I’m enough ~
even though I like to sleep in,
use pre-packaged cake mixes,
don’t really enjoy the gardens or flowerbeds,
love lazy Saturdays,
and have jiggly arms.

HE says I’m enough ~ 
even though I say stupid things,
fail at loving others well,
doubt, question, and swear,
don’t pray or read the Bible often enough,
and make mistakes {big and small}.

HE sees me and knows me and still declares me enough.  Actually, HE declares me good.

So it’s time to let go of this grudge I’ve held against myself.
And so are you, my friend.

Take Care