Friday, November 27, 2015 | By: Anita

His Grace

It's the end of a long day and I'm staring at the list of what I had hoped to do... let's just say that there are more things still on the list than what I could get accomplished.

And the things I did get done? Well, the one load of laundry that made it to the washing machine finally did get put into the dryer, after sitting in the washer ALL DAY. The muffins I planned to bake are waiting for the hubs to go and get me eggs, so I can finish. And {gulp} I spent more time than possibly needed sitting at the computer lost in the virtual world. 
Not one thing went according to plan. Not one meaningful thing got accomplished. I feel defeated. I feel like I had failed. Again.

Please tell me youve had a day, week, month, like that, too?

Now if any one of my friends experienced something like this and was brave enough to share it, I would immediately tell them that they're not expected to be Superwoman.
She doesnt need to have it all together all the time. She should give herself a little grace.

But when I'm talking to myself it usually sounds more like this: "Why can't you get your act together? How difficult is it to do laundry, make dessert or spend your time a little more wisely? When will you ever get it right?"

Grace is for everyone. Well, except for me.   At least that's how it plays out in my mind, time and time again. I’m a mess. I screw things up. A lot. Things in my life are far from perfect. And because of all that, I tell myself, I don't deserve grace.

But can I let you in on a secret?

None of us “deserves“ it. That's why it's called grace. It's lesson I'm learning every day, albeit a bit slowly. But I'm trying to!

So, can we help each other out? 

Can we remind each other that even though we dont deserve grace, we are worthy of it. And can we remind ourselves that although our imperfections won't ever go away, neither will God and His never ending grace.

'But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.' 2 Corinthians 12:9 {New International Version {NIV}}  

I don't know about you, but that's enough for me to take another look at today's list . . . tomorrow!

Take Care


Debra said...

Want to know what I did today...absolutely nothing and I am so ok with that. I did have plans for the day but haven't done a thing to accomplish them so I've labeled this day my regroup day. I figured I must have needed it if I'm not feeling one ounce of guilt by doing nothing. Trust me take a "nothing day". There's nothing like it.;)