Monday, October 26, 2015 | By: Anita

Someone like me...

If you are someone like me, you love the study of personalities and have taken numerous tests over the years for this, that, and of course every other thing.  

If you are someone like me, you know that are you are sensitive, and yet, you often struggle to integrate this knowledge in your life. 

If you are someone like me, you have an incessant voice in your head that keeps a record of every. Single. thing. you ever did wrong.

If you are someone like me it feels really hard to extend yourself the same compassion that you can extend to others.

If you are someone like me it’s very easy to get impatient with yourself as you try to make changes.

If you are someone like me you've learned more about your own personality traits:

Before realizing that HSP was a thing,
I thought there was some defect in me. Please understand, this doesn't mean that my feelings are super-sensitive.  It means that my senses {sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch} are more heightened than the "average" person.  

One of the great things about being in your 40's is that you really start to understand yourself.  As a sensitive person in today’s world, and as part of a minority, my journey has been difficult. It's only lately that I have started developing more compassion for myself.  I have started understanding why I am the way I am and learning to give myself what I need. 

Are you or is someone you love an HSP?

Then remember, if you are not someone like me, it doesn't make it any less real.  It is a thing! We can't help it. We can't "toughen up". And we can not just get over it. 

Let me remind you, if you are not someone like me please be compassionate and extend to us a little empathy.  

Take Care