Wednesday, August 19, 2015 | By: Anita

Our journey

In a few weeks my husband and I will be celebrating 29 years of wedded bliss.
Okay, maybe not bliss, but happiness and love.
Okay, I’ll just be honest here…
29 years of learning how to love each other.

We’ve had some glorious, and amazing mountain-top moments:
Our wedding day.
Our honeymoon in Jamaica
Each time we found out we were expecting - three times in four years!
The weekend retreat that saved our marriage.
Celebrating how God saved the hub’s life after the car accident.

Let me tell you, we’ve also experienced time of valleys and lows:
In year seven, the kids and I moved out for a while.
When the fights were hard and long and awful.
When our days were filled with selfishness, stubbornness, and unhappiness.

The good has always outweighed the bad. We’ve come through some major obstacles and trials, but no matter how difficult things got, we’ve walked through them together. {Even if we wanted to smack each other upside the head.}
Seriously though, it’s been a journey of learning how to love each other. Learning what’s important to each other. Learning how each other “ticks.” Learning our individual weaknesses and strengths, and how to support each other in them.

Learning how to love each other has been a gift.

I was reminded this week how far we’ve come. And as I recalled some of our memorable moments, I was reminded of something else: Learning to love this husband of mine has been a great gift. It hasn’t always been easy, and it hasn’t always been bliss.

We won’t ever claim to have the perfect marriage, but we do have the perfect union: My husband, me, and God who joined us together.

Take Care


Anneliese said...

Congratulations and thank you for putting such an honest spin on your relationship.It is probably more real than many would care to admit, but worth so much, because you made it. You did not give up. This is a true example of remembering there are days that test each of our promises, and they give us the opportunity to prove them do-able - with God!

Becky said...

What a wonderful way of reflecting on your life together
So proud of you and all that you have over come
Celebrate your special day!
