Friday, October 28, 2011 | By: Anita

saying good-bye

why is saying good-bye so hard? We just returned home from the long trip to and from Orillia. Kyle & Teya were here for a few days during their reading week break from school. We were quite busy while they were here. We moved Krystle & Gerard to their new home, Kyle played volleyball with his dad, we enjoyed our family Thanksgiving Dinner together, and Kyle spent time at his brothers studio apartment at the Inn. whew! To say it was a busy week is an understatement.

It was so wonderful having Kyle & Teya home for several days and before I knew it, {sigh} it was time for them to return. It's so hard to say good-bye. {double sigh} After hugging him twice we left and of course the tears are streaming down my face. Even after living apart for more than a year, saying good-bye doesn't seem to get any easier.

Thankfully it's only a few months until Christmas, when we get to do this all over again. >.<



Becky said...

sounds like a whirlwind week....
that you were able to cram a lot of things into

Never easy to say good bye so start saying see you soon
