Saturday, February 19, 2011 | By: Anita

Full house

This weekend our house is full and I love it! Kyle came home from Orillia for the weekend as he and his Dad are in a volleyball tournament. Anna, a friend from school drove him down and was also in the tourney. Darcy who comes home most weekends from school, also was here. And before the night was over, I got a call from Krystle & Gerard wondering if they too can come out to the farm for a sleep-over. I was giddy with excitement. It was wonderful having everyone home. I felt a little like the woman who lived in the shoe. With so many kids home at the same time the big question was 'where will everyone sleep'. So we improvised. Anna slept in Kyle's room, Kyle slept on a mattress in the den, Krystle & Gerard had Darcy's bed and Darcy, well he got the couch. Wayne & I have become accustomed to it being just us; but ooohh it was wonderful to have everyone home together again. Almost like Christmas!



Candice said...

I can feel your giddiness through the text - thank you for sharing it with your fans. I hope someday my clan will enjoy coming home too.

krystle ann-marie said...

I enjoy coming back to the "House that built me" to quote Miranda Lambert. Good Song. :)

Becky said...

How fun...I am sure to improvize was an easy thing to do to accomodate all

even when we are older it is still FUN to have sleepovers
