Thursday, February 17, 2011 | By: Anita

A day for me

Even as I write that title, I have this sense of overwhelming guilt spread through me. After all, Anita you don't really need day for yourself do you? There are clothes to launder, the house to clean, dishes to wash, meals to be made, the dog to be walked, groceries to buy, and the list goes on. Is it because of the way I was raised or is it women in general; that feel guilty when we take time for ourselves? We'll book our days full with work and appointments, we'll even schedule time for friends, but have you ever scheduled a date with yourself. Do you know what I mean? Time for you. Spent reading if that's your thing, going to the coffee shop, taking time to journal or even taking a luxurious bath in the middle of the day. It seems we're willing to give and give and give and yet when it's time to take time for ourselves we somehow think we're being selfish. Today was a nice surprise, normally I work on Thursdays but this week I switched my day and worked on Monday. So I booked a ME day. With no agenda, I did what I wanted, went where I felt like it and basically took the day for me. Do I feel guilty? Yes unfortunately. Will I stop taking a day for me? NOPE! I figure the more I take these days for me, the more I'll get used to them. ^.^

For all the women reading this; I have a challenge for you. Book a day for yourself in the next couple of weeks and slowly teach yourself that you are just as important as all those things you do. By taking a day to rest & rejuvenate you'll find that you're able to deal with everything else you've got going on in your life.



Becky said...

Too bad I did not know you had a me day on thursday we could have met for lunch I received a WONDERFUL blessing day.. with no school on thursday it was more an ice day then snow day.. but a WONDERFUL surprise needless to say..washed and hung out bedding made a delicious dinner for my family including pie for dessert..and even some time for reading...among other thins....
God is good to give us these days to savor