Tuesday, December 7, 2010 | By: Anita

Snow Storms & Blessings

Can a snow storm be a blessing? Sure it can be, it's all about your attitude. There was a time when I used to be angry about snow storms. After all I had plans for the day, places to be and things to do and nothing was going to stop me, not even a whiteout blizzard - ah how things have changed. Now I relish the thought of not being able to get anywhere giving me the opportunity to stay at home. It's kind of nice to have some forced relax time. With the storm raging outside, and not heading into the office I decided it was good day to get caught up on some things around the house. One them being bookwork - you'll remember back in October when I blogged about falling behind? If not you can read it here.

As I am going through the many files entering all the data into my spreadsheet that I prepare for the accountant, I came across my "blessings" file. It's a place where I keep the cards given to me throughout year from different friends & co-workers. This file was started based on a suggestion from a dear friend and I'm very grateful, as it serves as a gentle reminder to me that I am loved.



Becky said...

it is always fun to find those hidden treasures that can take you back to certain times and places,
remembering times spent with friends and occassions celebrated
