Sunday, November 14, 2010 | By: Anita

Indian Summer

After a wonderful week of Indian Summer, I find today to be a little depressing. With the heavy gray sky and dampness in the air, I find myself wishing for the warmer weather of Autumn. Did you know that an Indian summer is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs in autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere? And that it is characterized by a period of sunny, warm weather, after the leaves have turned following an onset of frost, but before the first snowfall.

Most often I like and even enjoy each of the four seasons we have; each season having their pros's and con's. It's the transition from season to season that I dread; especially at this time of year, I find myself struggling. Knowing that I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which explains as 'depression associated with the reduction of daylight during the shorter days of late autumn and winter', helps to explain alot of why I feel the way I do. It's during these times that I've had to learn to base my decisions on what I know and not how I feel.



Becky said...

Iknow I have been so thankful for all the BEAUTIFUL sunny days that I have had driving to work...
Not looking forward at all to those wintery days

I need to motivate myself for those dreary days as well
