Sunday, February 7, 2010 | By: Anita

Papa's birthday

We celebrated Papa's (my dad) birthday today. It was wonderful that the whole family was gathered together to honour this day for dad.

My dad was born February 7, 1942, to Roy & Marie Kaufman. He was blessed to have one younger brother, my Uncle Graham and for some reason (unknown to me) we called him Uncle Pudge. ^.^

It was decided that the family would all go to a Swiss Chalet for lunch and then back to the house where we've always celebrated birthdays with angel food cake, strawberries and ice cream. Today was no different. How does one sum up their dad, or what do you say in a blog that will post a tribute to the man that helped conceive me, raise me and essentially helped to make me who I am today. Dad & I have always connected. As a young girl, I have many fond memories of Saturday mornings with my Dad. Whether we were baking (yes baking) or I was with him in his fuel truck as co-pilot. It didn't matter what we did, I always knew that when we were/are together, I felt/feel important.

I am blessed.



Becky said...

Very nice tribute,
Best to say those words now,we need to take more time to tell others how much we appreciate them.Thank you for that reminder..


Anonymous said...

i had a dream about angel food cake last night....weird. i think its because im getting excited about all the wedding presents we are going to receive. i hope i hope i hope one is an angel food cake flute pan!!! ;)