Saturday, February 27, 2010 | By: Anita

Dress Dilemma

I have a bit of a dilemma. I've been trying to find a dress for Krystle & Gerard's up coming wedding. Having gone to a few different dress shops and finding some beautiful gowns my decision is no less easy. It probably doesn't help that I do not like shopping and have an even harder time making decisions. I'm sure that must come as a great shock ~ a women who doesn't like to shop. I even dislike grocery shopping, waiting as along possible before I go and then trying to coerce anyone I can to come with me.

But back to my dress dilemma, thankfully I've still got a few months, (119 days to be exact) till it's needed. Mind you I won't wait quite that long. ^.^



Anonymous said...

Hang in there. Just like Krystle found "her" dress, I'm sure you'll find "yours" too!
