Saturday, January 9, 2010 | By: Anita

Winter Wonder - land

Walking today was awesome. I love walking almost all the time, but today with the crisp cool wind, the bright shining sun, and the stillness that was the air, made today's walk memorable.
I finally remembered my camera so I could catch a glimpse of the wonderland around me. I just love this weeping willow tree at the neighbours. With the gloomy, dark, long days of winter, I used to find this season somewhat depressing. I've since learned to look for the beauty during this time. Time to nestle in with family, to 'hibernate' and spend time regrouping for the busy seasons to come. While Autumn is still my favourite season, I'm learning to appreciate winter too. After all, where else would you see weeds looking this nice.



tomandlynette said...

Don't we live in a beautiful neighbourhood? I love the willows, too.

I especially like the willow tree picture, because in the background I can use my imagination and pretend that there are mountains somewhere not too far away. I love living here, and I think it's a beautiful area, but I sure do miss mountains.

Becky said...

very nice pictures, when you take the time to enjoy the scenery around you winter is a bit more bearable...especially on a day like today with the sunshine out...
