Saturday, July 25, 2009 | By: Anita

Home Again

We arrived home from our holiday with mountains of dirty clothes, numerous mosquito bites and many wonderful memories from our week at Chesley Lake. The 'fun' began as we unpacked the vehicles and piled it all into the back room. There was literally no floor space left. ugh!

Our holiday was absolutely fabulous, we had so much fun with kayaking, biking, walking, playing volleyball, and my personal favourite sitting around the campfire each night.
It was also wonderful to sit outside for supper each night with everyone at the table. At home everyone's schedule is so different, with Krystle living away from home, Kyle working days & Darcy working evenings, there isn't alot of opportunity to be together. I am so thankful that each one was able to join us. The laughs we shared around the table and at the campfire are probably the highlight of my holiday. Some of the things that these kids come up with are hilarious. Good times!

Looking forward to next year!



Becky said...

so glad to hear you had a good time...
looking forward to sharing time with you next year...
we need to catch up again soon