Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | By: Anita


As a kid I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons. all morning in my pj's. This was when there actually was something to watch on TV.

It was also time that I spent with my Dad. He drove a fuel truck and on the Saturdays he worked I would get to ride along. It was so cool! Sitting in the big rig convincing my Dad to blow the air horn. When he wasn't at work, we would be together in the kitchen... baking... yes baking. We would make cakes, brownies but my favourite was cupcakes. ahh I felt like such a grown up!

As a teen, my Saturdays became a refuge from the week of school and a time to not only sleep most of the day away but a time to be alone. Which I now realize makes up my personality.

Going forward a few years my Saturdays changed with the arrival of my kids and my Saturdays became a time for them to watch cartoons, help in the kitchen, and lounge around most of the day in their pj's. I didn't really have alot of time to myself. How quickly times change.

Last Saturday was one such day. I had the whole day/house to myself to do what I wanted, when I wanted. Or even better to do nothing at all. ^.^ (Except jazzercise, I joined a another session and it meets Saturday morning from 8-9 as well as Wednesday evening 7-8.)

As I mentioned, last Saturday I came home to an empty house. well as empty as a house can be with two dogs.

After doing three loads of laundry and hanging it out on the wash line, cleaning the main floor of the house, I sat and read a book, took the dogs for a walk, watched a movie, and really enjoyed my day.
But by 4:00 I was ready more than ready to have the boys home. (Kyle & Darcy were both at a friends, and Wayne was gone to a crokinole tournament)

I guess this is one those times that I need to learn to enjoy the season of life that I find myself in, because before I know it or am ready for it, the season will change.



Anonymous said...

I agree I am not ready to have a lot of time to myself yet....
I do enjoy QUIET time on the afternoons I have off work and the boys are at school....
BUT I do get so much more accomplished when the boys are NOT home...but am happy to still have time with them....