Saturday, January 17, 2009 | By: Anita

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Wayne celebrated his 50th birthday today.

I cheated and bought him a Chocolate Fudge Cake. mmhmm it was good

We spent the day together just him & I as our kids were scattered here and there.

We had dinner reservations at the Oakwood Inn Resort in Grand Bend for a Five course Dinner & Wine Tasting. Our drive to and from the restaurant was quite stormy, but Wayne was determined to celebrate his birthday.
With each course that was served a different kind of wine was brought along as well. Dinner was absolutely delicious and we liked most of the wine too.

What a wonderful way to celebrate his birthday. I didn't bother buying Wayne a present as we're planning on heading south (probably Cuba) late winter/early spring.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had GREAT NIGHT...what an excellent idea....

I guess you are in that stage in life when your kids do their own thing....not sure I am ready for that stage in life either...good thing I have an older sister who will have " been there and done that "to help guide me through when my own kids get to that point....
have you got your tickets booked yet for cuba???

Anonymous said...

my dad's old. :S