Monday, March 31, 2008 | By: Anita

To blog or not to blog...

How important is it to write out our thoughts and feelings? I'm so glad God decided to put His thoughts and feelings into the written word! I love to know that He thinks about us constantly and carries us in the palm of His hand. I'm thrilled to learn about His character and read about the experiences others have had in His presence. Words have power - and we have the privilege of preserving them in our journals every day.

When we take time to record our memories, journal our prayers, and write down our thoughts, we truly give ourselves a gift to be opened over and over again. We can recall times of laughter, be encouraged by God's faithfulness in difficult situations, and feel a sense of comfort by expressing and managing the emotions He's given to us. It feels good to revisit the joys and even the struggles in our lives, because God is working in us and building our trust through every circumstance. We never outgrow His gentle and wise instruction, we never graduate from the learning process.

I've been journaling for years now, and 'blogging' just presents another medium in which to do so. After reading several of my posts Krystle was inspired to create her own blog. What a joy it is to read her thoughts and feelings as she enjoys life at Heritage.

When Lorraine first suggested that I should I blog (I just celebrated my one year anniversary of blogging), I thought 'yeah sure and when would I have time for that?' Funny how you make time for what's important.

This is simply an opportunity to appreciate the gift of the written word, with no due dates, no grading scale - but a chance to allow God to encourage my heart and remind me of His unconditional love and continued faithfulness. My journal has become one of my favourite reads - and perhaps one of my greatest treasures.



Anonymous said...

Yet again more profound wisdom from my older AND WISER sister....
It is true to write your thoughts out helps you to process ideas and re-reaading can teach you new help you remember and rejoice at the good times and reflect and learn from the more difficult times..
One day I may too start a blog but for now I will continue to enjoy the words of wisdom from others...