Saturday, March 15, 2008 | By: Anita

My feet were made for walking.....

.....and that's just what I'll do!

When Darcy started kindergarten, Kyle was in Grade 2 and Krystle was in Grade 3, I would have the whole day at home ahead of me, so I began to take walks. Each morning we would walk out the lane together and the kids would get on the bus for school, and I went for my walk. We have always had a dog at the farm and they became my walking partner.

This is Dolly our current dog and my faithful walking companion.

From the moment she hears me putting on my shoes she gets excited knowing that we are going out. She has kept me dedicated for 9 years to walking, because if I miss a day here or there throughout the week, she gives me that "look" asking me 'are we going now?'

My walking time is also a time for me to process my thoughts and ideas about the different aspects of my life. In fact if you've come upon me as I am walking, you'll probably see my hands gesturing and you'll likely hear me talking as I tend to process those thoughts outloud.

Last year I had decided to take up jogging. I had read in Melanie's blog how to slowly begin to build up your heart & muscles to this task. So I slowly started, I would jog between hydro poles then walk the next two, until I had gone the whole way. As the summer went on I was able to gain times between hydro poles, jogging two, walking one....jogging three, walking one.... and continued to build up more jogging and less walking until I was able to jog the length of the side road.

As winter approached I found myself not quite as excited to get out in that weather for walking. So I had gone into town, when we used to take Darcy to work, and I would walk in Bayfield. Now though, that the 'spring' weather is coming, I've started walking out here again. Once the roads are little less snowy, I plan to start jogging again.

So, if you see me out there walking, just keep in mind, that I am not crazy with all the talking and hand gesturing........just processing.



Anonymous said...

I like to porcess too Mom :P
Just for me it is through journaling and blogging. Thank you for being my inspiration and getting me started in this area that you love so much. I officially love and appreciate blogging so much more because of you.
Love, Krys