Wednesday, January 30, 2008 | By: Anita

Life at 'REZ'

I enjoyed last weekend (January 25-27) at Heritage College & Seminary in Cambridge, living in residence with Krystle. Since I never went to post-secondary school I missed out on the whole dorm life experience. We had alot of fun together, we watched movies, chatted, went to Starbucks, chatted, went shopping, ordered Chinese food, chatted, watched more movies, took the bus to church, and on and on it went. We stayed up later then I am used to, slept in longer, and just hung out and had a GREAT time together.

This is the kitchen.

The bedroom, I slept on the lower bunk.

The view from her window. She is very fortunate to have a 1st floor apartment. (Made it alot easier on move-in day)

We had a 'vonderful gut' time playing many games.

And even had a time for just being silly.

My weekend with Krystle sure gave me a closer view into her world at school. It was neat to see how she has developed into her own person.
way to go kryssi ~~ I am so proud of you!!

While I enjoyed my time at 'rez', I learned that I am not cut out for dorm life. The constant busyness of coming & going with floor-mates, and room-mates would be something to get used too. It has helped me to understand, on weekends that she is home, why Krystle thinks it is so quiet out here on the farm.



Anonymous said...

Sounds Like you had a GREAT TIME!!!
Reminds me a bit of my SALT days...makes me miss it (just a little) but it is amazing that as you get older it is funny how you get into "OTHER" routines.
Glad to hear you had such a nice weekend. I think it is so nice the relationship that you share with Kryssi.
Great Pictures! Gives us a bit of a inside look into dorm life.(I still need someone to come show me how to download pictures on to my computer...LOL)

Mel said...


I think it is so AWESOME that you and Krystle are so close. I pray that I will be as close with my kids when they're in the teenage years (and beyond). You are obviously an awesome mom (which doesn't surprise me :) What an amazing blessing.

Love ya,