Thursday, November 15, 2007 | By: Anita

Trouble sleeping

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. It's not that I am not tired when I go to bed or that I don't always sleep. But I am waking up not rested.

I am dreaming so much through the night. Most of which I do not remember. Other than to wake up thinking 'how weird was that'. I wonder why we dream. I know that in the Bible dreams were used to convey the message from God. Several different times are mentioned throughout the Bible, however my dreams, are just weird. There doesn't seem to be any message or any connection from one to another, and sometimes I 'll have the same weird dream.

This picture is one of tranquility. Just looking at it brings me peace.

Picture of Peace. That's what I look for. Peace. Perfect Peace. To know that I am where I should be and doing what I was created to do.

So since I cannot sleep, I read, right now I am re-reading the book "The Purpose Driven Life", by Rick Warren. In Chapter 2 titled "You are not an Accident", there is a poem that really helped and continues to help me sort though this maze we call life.

You are who you are for a reason.
You're part of an intricate plan.
You're a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God's special woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones that He chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into His likeness you'd grow.

You are who you are for a reason.
You've been formed by the Master's rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!

How's that for powerful.



Anonymous said...

SOmetimes God wakes us up to pray. Perhaps he has someone in mind for you to pray for. Just a thought.
