Saturday, December 31, 2016 | By: Anita

Farewell 2016

Can you believe we are about to embark on a new year? 

Here we are in the twilight hours of another year and the calendar reminds me that it’s time to reflect, time to look back, time to look forward. It’s time to be grateful for days gone by and gaze ahead at the possibilities that are ahead.

2017 is right around the corner. 

When a new year approaches, it seems to roll in with much hope. There are 365 days in a year. No more and no less. {well, except leap year} And even though most of the days on my calendar are blank, God has a plan and a purpose for every single one of those days. 

It's at this time of year that most people often reflect on the year that is ending and make some plans for the year that will begin. Call them whatever you will ... plans, goals, or resolutions.

As I sit here this morning, I’m doing the same thing. 

But for all my retrospective pondering and my future goal setting, I can’t help but realize that I do not hold the future in my hand. All I have is this moment, right here, right now!

There is no promise of tomorrow or next week, or even next month.

In years past I was so busy organizing my days that I would miss the God offered opportunities that come.  I was putting my activities and to-do lists ahead of enjoying the day He made.  

It’s been a number of years now, {thanks to some wise friends} since I’ve given myself permission to let things go. And choose to live in the moments of today, and free myself to do what’s important…

Take Care