Friday, December 30, 2016 | By: Anita

After Christmas blues

The stockings are still hung by the chimney with care. 
The Christmas tree continues to glow brightly in the corner of our family room.  But the two presents remaining underneath look a bit lonely. Our kids have gone to back to their own places.  Life has gone back to its normal routine. 

After a wonderful time of celebrating Christmas with our family combining food and games and chatter and photo taking, today it’s quiet… almost too quiet.

For many of us, we plan and prepare for Christmas for weeks. We do all we can to make it a special holiday, but when it passes by all too quickly, and the magic of the season is over, disappointment can set in, and so can the post-Christmas blues.

It’s been a couple of days since the kids were all home and while we had an amazing time together, I now feel a little lost… sure, there’s that post~Christmas cleanup, but, it isn’t the highest priority ~ all I really want to do is find a really good book, grab some more tea and settle in for a day of hibernation!

Even though the day started off a bit “off”, there is a promise tucked away and I can take a deep breath and be reminded of the joy that will come…

Take Care