Saturday, July 30, 2016 | By: Anita

These days...

My blog has been quiet lately, contrary to my plan. 

I scroll through the blog feed and notice there are fewer words… have you noticed? 

Hellooo… anybody out there? 

There are reasons of course, we are full into summer mode. Three different daycamp weeks which for us means 3 weeks of heavy duty cleaning.  But it seems to me that even “blogland” has been kinda quiet lately. 

Which leads me to wonder ~ is blogging dead? 

Most people agree that its *heyday* has come and gone.  That it's not quite as popular as it once was. I certainly know that many people I followed when I first started blogging have long since left. 

It can be hard to keep up with it. 

Inevitably, if you blog long enough, you'll face either writer's block or burnout, or both.  And of course life continues to happen. It can be overwhelming at times, and honestly, quite discouraging. It can get monotonous and we can fall into the trap of thinking that nothing is “blog-worthy”

There have a been more than a few times when I seriously have considered quitting. I feel like my words are dry, my inspiration is lagging, and I can’t seem to get it together.

But somehow I think that I’m supposed to stick with it…. like God wants me to continue. 
So I'm still here. 

Take Care


krystle ann-marie said...

I'm still here and I like reading your blog! I find I'm just not taking the time for blogging myself like I used to. Life definitely changes after having a baby. :D

Debra said...

Agree with Krystle about life changing, especially after baby. I think seasons change for everyone and for me personally that's what's happening. Not that don't have many stories to tell but am back to wondering where I fit into the blogging world.