Tuesday, July 5, 2016 | By: Anita


Over the last few years I have been purposeful in pursuing friendship. And for this introvert, that took a lot of pretending to be braver than I am. 

Stepping out in faith or maybe that should read fear.

It scared me. Why did I find it so hard? 

I’m a grown woman after all. 

You see friendship isn’t a natural state for me. Making friends as an adult was much harder than I anticipated. 

When I was young I was always that kid on the outside looking in. I was the weird kid, the one that was never going to fit it. The one always picked last… And, I don’t know about you, but when I struggle with fitting in, it’s way too easy for me to move from thinking sad thoughts about the situation to thinking sad thoughts about myself. 

True friendship can been a real struggle. And here I am, at midlife, still learning the art of friendship.  Too often, friendship can become all about smiling, quick chats about the weather and what the kids are up to before we rush off to our busy lives again. But true friendship is looking at the two or three people God has placed in your life and choosing to live intentionally with them and watch as the beauty of our messy, unedited, imperfect lives overlap one another. 
I need deeper than chitchat and church talk. I need women who are brave enough to speak the truth in love. And walk together in this life-journey to become more like Him. 

There is nothing quite like friendship is there? 

When I spend time with my friends I feel better – a better person, better about myself and better about my life.

Have you been blessed in some special ways by your friends?

Take Care


Anneliese said...

I've been blessed with friends through the different seasons of my life and I've come to realize that you just never know when you first start meeting how that friendship will deepen. It's the shared experiences in life, affirming each other, and encouraging each other through the hard things that make for a good friendship. My most surprising circle of friends has been the group I started blogging recipes with. I never would have guessed how close we would become.
I have other circles of friends, in which our shared experiences are not recipes and blogging - they may be the fact that we raised our kids together or belong to the same care group at church. In each "setting" it's those things that help us understand each other, pray for each other or reminisce together, that build a friendship.
It's interesting to think about this a bit - and what makes a friendship. Definetely a big blessing!

Debra said...

Even though we see each other very little I consider you a true blue friend! 😀