Tuesday, August 26, 2014 | By: Anita

It is what it is

When you look at me I seem healthy and strong. I look like your average 40 something woman. 

But if you watch long enough you will see that I favour my right side. That I try and not lift things, especially over my head, and on some days you may see a slight {or pronounced} limp.  If you listen you would likely hear a loving if not determined man say to me, “No, dear, I will lift that for you”.  At those times if you look closely you will see my eyes fill up with tears. For I simply struggle with letting other do things for me that I should be doing, it just doesn’t seem fair.

What I see, is others giving me the what’s wrong with you look, without asking. The why you are not doing what you should.  What I hear, is the whispered words behind hands.  {Real or Imagined}

It’s simple, we don't know what to do with people who don’t look sick.
Whether it is with pain, depression or something else internal if it is not visible to those around “You must not be that sick!”  is the message that is pushed.

And yes your right, I could be a lot sicker. But it is still a struggle.

I truly do trust God. I know He has a plan for me {Jeremiah 29:11}  I am not alone. {Hebrews 13:5} I know that with every fibre of my being. I believe He is with me with all of my heart!

Sometimes life can be overwhelming. When those times come upon me, I tend to question:
“Where is God in all this?”
“Can He see all that is happening?”
“Does He care about all that is going on in my life?”
“Is He at work?”

While the answer to each of these questions is a resounding, “YES!!”, it is the last question that I want to address. At those times when God’s work seems hidden, may we remember then that He is always at work. He is never idle. Jesus Himself assures us: “Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” {John 5:17 {NIV}}  There is never a day that God is not at work in each one of our lives.

We need to open our hearts and minds that there are so many who struggle. And so many hide the struggle. Even though we may not be able to tell what the people around us are going through, we should still be kind. Because it is what it is...



Debra said...

My hands are beginning to fail me. It used to be just the right now the left has joined in. I've got little strength in them and it just plain sucks. Some people think it's in my head but trust me if I could make it better I would. I get it.