Thursday, January 10, 2013 | By: Anita

Some Days

Have you ever felt some times in your life, that the world must be spinning a little bit faster or time had some how sped up? That things in life were going a little too fast, was too much and all at the same time? A period in life where you just couldn't seem to catch your breath? It seems lately, my “to do” list keeps growing, my days keeps filling up and yet I can getting nothing or so it seems done. There is so many places to get to, things to accomplish, cleaning to do and work and laundry and .. . ..and . .. . .and . ...   I'm tired.

I was driving home from work last night and running through the list in my mind of everything I have to get done and try remember for this week. From work stuff to home stuff, to appointments, plans and commitments. Honestly it made me even more tired just thinking about it.

Some days I feel so overwhelmed and lost that I forget which way is left and right. I get confused at the littlest things. I think that when I get like this, it is my mind and body telling me to slow down. To breath.

Often times, I’m sure like many of you, I go through my day in a bit of a blur ~ not knowing whether or not I accomplished anything.  
Sometimes I just wish that life came with a pause button. I don't want a rewind button, and I’m sure I do not need a fast forward button ~ just simply a pause button. To stop the spinning, the running, the constant doing and catch my breath.

Even as I sit here and write this, I have to really stop my thoughts and focus. I can think of no less than a dozen things that need doing. And yet, they can wait, or at least that is what I am telling that little voice inside my head. For right now, for this moment, I am pressing pause. The dishes can wait, the vacuuming and the bookwork. I do not have to be any where for a few minutes. Sitting at my desk, at home in the country and I am content or at least trying to be.

When those voices start to creep in saying I should be, have to be and get going already, I silence them with this:
Matthew 11:28-30 {New Living Translation (NLT)}
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

It was in this quiet stolen moment when I had an epiphany. I can only do so much in one day, in one hour. There is no crime in stolen moments to catch my breath. It can be the same for you. We have to learn to create our own pause buttons. To put aside the stresses of everyday life, the chores and just simply; be. It is far too easy to keep running and running until you drop from exhaustion. Or we make ourselves sick because we are trying to be everywhere at the same time. We can only do ~ what we can do!

Life is what it is.

You can either go through life at mach 10, constantly doing, and miss things. Or you can learn to create your own pause button. Stop. Catch your breath. Focus on what's important and then, carry on.



Becky said...

Good thing you have a holiday to look forward to when all you have to do is RELAX!!!
