Thursday, January 3, 2013 | By: Anita

One Word

As you are picking your phrases, your resolutions, your one words, your goals for 2013, I hope your families and friends are an encouragement to you.

As you consider what this year will hold, consider also this:
What does your life hold right now?
Who do you want to be?
What character trait do you want to intentionally develop?
How do you want to live your life?

In my own personal resolution revolution, I started choosing just One Word to focus on all year.

Just One Word, because that's easy to remember all year long. I'll even place visible reminders of it around my home and workspace, helping to keep my word before me. It’s become a spiritual discipline of sorts.

This is my second year choosing One Word and I want it to stand as a touchstone: a reminder not of what I need to do, but of who I want to be.

It becomes the filter through which I make decisions; the home-base to which I return when I’m unsure which way to go. It forces clarity and helps me concentrate my efforts, energy, and time on intentional growth.

It’s a simple concept, but not an easy one. My One Word has always been a challenge more than a comfort.  It's like a pebble in my shoe
~ and unavoidable nuisance, a constant nudge, a discomfort that coause me to walk differently.

There’s love/hate relationship that I have with my One Word ~ and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I figure if it doesn’t scare me at least a little, it’s probably not the right word.

Will you join me?
Quiet your heart and see what word rises to the surface.
Let’s focus this year not on doing more, but on being who we were created to be.
