Sunday, November 29, 2009 | By: Anita


With today as the first Sunday in Advent I thought it might be good to be reminded of this.

As we begin to ready, not only our home, but our hearts for this Christmas season, let us all remember that:
We can easily get caught up with the craziness of the season, but I hope to be able to set that all aside. I don't want to become overtly worried about whether I get the baking done, the shopping started, the Christmas cards sent early enough, the house decorated. As long as we're done by December 24 we still have time. ^.^

It seems that people become consumed with the to do and for my family I want, to be..... together; eating, playing, baking, laughing, enjoying our time making memories that are worth more than any gift.



Becky said...

good video,
I think all need to be reminded of how busy we make ourselves and the joy we rob ourselves of by becoming so consummed with getting that RIGHT gift...
looking forward to baking with you and spending time together