Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | By: Anita

New Look

After reviewing many friends' blogs and seeing the new look they have given to their blog, I decided that it was time to update mine.

31 different templates to choose from.....reminds me of Baskin-Robbins. It was a tough choice, I wanted to have a 'new' look without copying someone else's new look ^.^ After spending more time that I probably should have trying to decide which one I wanted, I settled for this look.

I enjoy blogging, I started a little more than a year ago, from a suggestion from a dear friend. It's a great way to allow friends and family a small window into the life that I live and a great way way to keep extended family updated.

I passed the blogging bug to Krystle, who, for the summer decided to stay in Cambridge working at Imagine Adoption and taking a Distance Education course from Heritage. I love that fact that I can read her blog and stay updated with the life of my girl.

I also enjoy journaling and have several different journals on my bookshelf. My latest acquisition has Disney's Tinkerbell on the front. When I take the time to record my memories, journal my prayers, and write down my thoughts, I found that I gave myself a gift to be opened over and over again. I can recall times of laughter, I am encouraged by God's faithfulness in difficult situations, and feel a sense of comfort by expressing and managing the emotions He's given to me. It's feels good to revisit the joys and even the struggles in my life, because God is working through my life and building character through every circumstance. I think it's important to write down on our thoughts - words have power!
