Friday, July 11, 2008 | By: Anita

Driver #5

On Monday Darcy passed his driving exam to receive his G2 license. It was a proud moment for both of us.

He's on his own now, no more driving him around, or taking him to driver's education, or in car lessons or to his friend's houses or...... you get the idea. Now it'll be about letting him drive on his own. He's a really good driver, so I shouldn't be worried, but.........being a mom I think it just comes with the job.

This is one of those bittersweet moments. I am glad for Darcy to have gained a new kind of Independence, but this a sad moment for me. This is last one of my kids to get his G2 license.

So often in life we faithfully remember and capture our children's 'firsts', so I wanted to recognize and savor this 'last'. Far too many times these milestones can go easily go unrecorded. I didn't want to do that.

Darcy had an appointment in Stratford on Thursday. I first thought that his dad should go with him, just in case, but Darcy made a valid point "what was the use of him getting his license if we don't let him go on his own."
Smart kid. ^.^

The summer season is such a wonderful time for him to be out on his own driving. This will help give him the driving experience he'll need before winter.



Anonymous said...

WOW now you have 3 drivers!!!
Hard to believe....
That should make life a bit easier...or more worrisome...

Hope you had a GREAT holiday at Chesley...can't wait to hear all about it