Tuesday, June 3, 2008 | By: Anita

Roadside Treasure

A weed is described as A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one growing where it is not wanted.
I came across these flowers one night as I was taking my daily walk. They were growing randomly along the roadside. I decided to pick a few to bring home so I could enjoy their beauty. I think they are a phlox of some kind.

Now I'm sure sure some people would walk/drive on by thinking nothing more of these flowers than being mere weeds or another way to describe it could be misplaced something put in a different place from where it should be.

It's interesting though, that when they are put in a vase how they can become a beautiful centrepiece.

It's all a matter of perspective or perception. These flowers growing along the roadside would normally be passed over because of their misplacement, but when someone takes the time to put them in different place they're regarded differently.

I guess the old adage "one persons' junk in another persons' treasure" is true.



Anonymous said...

well if that does not give me the incentive to walk on a daily basis I don't know what will.... it is amazing what you find when you take time to "literally" smell the roses....
there is so much beauty all around us we just need to take the time to look for the misplaced things
Blessings B;iss

tomandlynette said...

We love seeing those flowers at this time of year growing in the ditches. The world could use more "weeds" like those!
