Friday, February 29, 2008 | By: Anita

Leap Day

February 29, it seems like I should be writing something profound this being a special day and all. However the longer I sit here, the longer I come up with......... nothing.

Krystle decided to come home for the weekend. She needed a quiet place to rest & refresh and where else to have a quiet weekend than out here on the farm. And of course that means Gerard is here as well.

It's wonderful to have the house full with 4 teenagers (well almost, Krys is 20). And of course, they play Rock Band, which is an absolute blast. I even get in on the fun once in a while.

With Krystle usually at school and when Kyle is away on a job set-up and Darcy was working it was just Wayne & I. I mean I know that that stage of life (empty nest) is coming, but I am in no rush to have it happen. I can wait a few more years. Most people you talk to are usually wishing for that 'next' stage of life. Not me, not this time anyway. I am really enjoying this stage of life with respect to my kids, my husband and even where I am.
Life is good.



Anonymous said...

Still profound thoughts on a "special day". I think it is good to remind each other not to take things for granted. Each stage in life is a blessing to enjoy to the fullest and to learn from.
We need to come sometime to see this "facinating game" of rock star...
Blessings Bliss