Monday, September 24, 2007 | By: Anita

Extended Family

Dolly~~~ Ace~~~ Simon

Dolly is mix breed of German Shepherd & Husky (the only husky she has is that her tails curls). She was born February 14, 1998, and joined our family in May, just in time for Krystle's birthday.

Ace is a pure-bred border-collie. He was born January 9, 2007, and joined our family in March. Kyle bought from Gerard. He is at that very playful stage, chewing everything is site and dragging it ALL over the place.

Dolly & Ace are my faithful walking companions. No matter when I want to or for how long I wander, they are with me. They have really helped me to stay dedicated to walking each & every day.

Simon (the cat) came into our family June 1, 2001. Darcy wanted a cat for a very long time and he was quite specific in what he wanted. The cat needed to be a male and orange & white striped. Darcy had his name already picked out. Since I am not really a cat person (sorry Ruth) I post-poned this decision for a while. However, after friends told us of a litter with a male, orange & white tabby. We gave in and brought little Simon home. We actually had two (Simon & Samson), but Samson eventually didn't come home one night and has found a different home.

I've included our pets in our extended family, because I've found that life without them would seem like something is definitely missing.