Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | By: Anita


Time to harvest.

Last week Wayne was getting the soya beans off, it seemed a little early to me, but they were ready. Then he started working up the land to get it ready to plant the wheat. Since Wayne also drives the bus both in the morning and evening, it really cuts into his day. So last week Wednesday, when I was done at the office, I came home and jumped into the tractor and finished cultivating the field for him. I find driving tractor to be pretty boring, you just go back & forth in the field. In the particular field we were working there is a grass waterway, which is a bit of a nuisance, but makes the driving a little more exciting as I got to lift the cultivator in & out of the ground. Thank goodness there is a radio to listen to while driving or it could be really boring. With BX93 playing, I was able to pass the 2 1/2 hours quite quickly.

The rain we got yesterday is a definate booster for the crop. It was very needed. The crops didn't do as well as we had expected, so there was a bit of a shortfall in our contract.

You know when you start to really think about it farming is a little bit like gambling. You work up the ground, plant the seeds, and wait to see how much you get.

But as long as Wayne enjoys it, we'll stick to it, he afterall has a farmer's heart. One instilled from God. His whole life, he grew up on the farm and that's all he ever wanted to do. So after Grade 10, he quit school and began to farm. We were dairy farmers until 1998, when our barn burned down. God was so gracious to us, we lost our barn, yes, but we didn't lose any cattle (they were out because it was July), we came close to losing our house, but didn't, we almost lost the implement shed, but didn't. Our kids & dogs were safely away from harm's way. The volunteer fire-fighters made to our house in 8 minutes. While they couldn't save the barn, they were able to prevent anything else from going up in flames. WOW

Life has a way of going on. Wayne went out to work for a while, but eventually found his way back to farming not only our own land, but he also is a hired man for a neighbouring dairy farm.

Romans 8:28 says 'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose' .
