Friday, March 6, 2015 | By: Anita

Take a Break

I've been struggling with my on-again, off-again relationship with social media for some time now.  Last year, you’ll remember after much consideration, I decided that it was best to take a set time and take a break.

For the first couple of weeks I was away from Facebook, it was great. I really enjoyed being away from the social site, and didn’t care one bit about it. I really didn’t even give it a second thought. Until

It’s amazing how quickly it can suck you back in! At first, you are just “checking in” on friends or family … and before you know it, you’ve spent an hour just reading status updates and looking at pictures! Facebook wastes SO much precious time!

And it’s not just Facebook either ~ I get sucked into the world of Blogger, Instagram, Pinterest… oh, so easily.
There are a LOT of things I like about Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest/Blogs. I like seeing updated pictures from my kids. I like being able to know what is going on in the lives of my friends. I like being kept in the loop of community events that are going on. I like all of that. However, the problem with on-line lifestyles is that we can be deceived into thinking that that’s real life. But it’s not. Too often I forget, that real life takes a little bit longer to develop.  I need to put the Internet back in its rightful place...

I love the Internet. I truly do. Perhaps a little too much!

What do you do when you know you should take a break?

Take Care


krystle ann-marie said...

It's a lot easier to take a break when you are on holidays! There are days when I don't even check Facebook until now and then days when I spend all day on it. It's all about balance.

Debra said...

Truthfully I'm not on the internet much and if I am it's usually at night when my husband is asleep.( he's asleep by nine) He's the one who's a Facebook junky. lol I'm more into Netflix so I've been able to watch old movies!!!.