Saturday, February 28, 2015 | By: Anita


It’s the same scene, on repeat.

It’s 9:30 a.m., and I'm in bed. Still.

I should be up making breakfast and doing my devotions {like all the other good women I know} but I shut my eyes for just a few more minutes. I feel bad about it, but I’m Just. So. Tired.
And thirty minutes later, already behind and run-down for the day, I hang my head and start the kettle. Why do I just have to be so, so tired? Why can’t I get it together? “What is wrong with me?” These are the questions I’ve asked far too many times.

When I forget to do something important, when I’m late for something, when I yell at my husband, misplace my keys, can’t keep up with life and dirty dishes, or walk into a room in my house and can’t remember why I went in there ~ the list goes on.  Being tired makes everything harder.

And every time I ask, “those questions” I’m actually tell myself something is wrong with me.

After months of carrying around that terrible, awful, no-good load of guilt, I had a thought ~ I wonder what Jesus thinks of me right now. No, really. How does he see me? Is it as bad as I thought? When I feel wrung out, and at the end of my rope, and dragging myself through the day… is He mad at me?

It’s an easy answer, when I put it like that. It even sounds silly ~ God mad at me for being tired. And then one day it happened: I got tired of telling myself something was wrong with me. And I realized that what I needed was to change the way I talked to myself. God doesn’t want us berating ourselves with questions and statements that make us feel defective.

But we can change that starting today. When you feel defeated or defective, stand on the promise that “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 {New International Version {NIV}}

Period. The end.

There is nothing wrong with you or me ~ and we must not let anyone, convince us otherwise.

Take Care