Friday, February 6, 2015 | By: Anita

Another day, another year

It’s a New Year ~ well technically we’re already more than a month into the new year ~ however… with the start of another new year, most people take time to reflect on where they’ve been and where they’re heading, making resolutions or choosing their one word.

Living with an auto-immune illness can make this exercise a little less appealing than it can be to most people. As we look to the past, we can see pieces of dreams lining our calendar. We can spot the disappointments, and the misunderstandings our illness has caused.

2015 is a new year, but my health problems are not. My new year has begun with me in an active cycle {wide-spread pain, sleeplessness, digestive issues, fibro brain fog, dizziness and nausea} of my illness. I’ve struggled with how I would survive the day, let alone another year.

But God promises;

I don’t understand all the reasons for suffering/pain. What I do know is that living daily with an auto-immune illness is hard; and I also know “That in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 {New International Version {NIV}}

How are feeling about the new year? Discouraged and weak, or hopeful and strong?

Perhaps as you look toward the new year, it doesn’t seem to be filled with potential, but only more tests, procedures, pain, and loss. We don’t always understand “the why” but we can be assured that God will never leave our side. We can turn to Him. Rest in Him. Put aside the bitterness, and disappointments and ask Him to give us the strength that only He can give.

Take care