Thursday, November 17, 2011 | By: Anita

Amazed by Grace

If someone saved your life, pushed you out of on coming traffic, grabbed you as you were falling off a cliff, jumped in front of a stray bullet headed for your'd be grateful right?

I mean, if they died but miraculously the surgeons were able to revive them, would you not do everything you could to get to know that person, who they were, why they did what they did for you at the cost of their own life? Wouldn't you want to almost kinda like follow them around and make them your new best friend? OK that almost sounds creepily stalker like but just being honest here. I'd kinda like to be tight with someone who saved my life....I'd be grateful for them and the second chance they gave me until the day I died (for real).

Am I that grateful to God, to Christ for taking my eternal death from me? Am I grateful for taking the beatings, the nails, the suffocation, AND the wrath and judgement of God from me? How hard am I seeking to know who He is and to follow him around and make him my new best friend?

I often feel so guilty about my lack of "awe" in my relationship with Christ. It's like I've taken for granted the new life he's given me, a new life, incomparable to my old life, I've just kinda said thanks and "let's grab a coffee sometime, it's on me" biggie.

I needed to be reminded of this again, how about you?



Becky said...

A very TIMELY reminder....especially as we again prepare for another CHRISTmas season...we truly need to keep that thought in front of us so as NOT to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season...after all it was God's gift to us in sending Jesus to earth that saved us. and that TRULY is the BEST PRESENT OF ALL!!!


Anneliese said...

Yes... you are so right. Do we really know what it cost HIm? I think we will not really understand until we see Him... but for now we can pray that we see more of Him and as we do, we will be in awe.