Monday, June 6, 2011 | By: Anita

Three Little Girls

My dear neighbour needed a place for three of her five children while she had to go to the airport in London to pick up her parents for their weeks stay. And of course I was more than willing to spend time with these sweet little girls. We coloured, rode bikes, sat in the shade to read, had a bite of lunch, played card games, painted our nails and of course coloured some more. The girls were astonished that I liked to colour as much as they did. In fact I was told that I could invite them over anytime and they would LOVE to colour with me. How cute it that?

Overall it was super fun day, mind you I am tired, I am not used to entertaining so many little people at once.



tomandlynette said...

Thanks so much, Anita! We love you.

krystle ann-marie said...

:) We use to colour all the time! Hopefully there will be more little people to entertain in the future! ;)