Saturday, September 12, 2009 | By: Anita

Jazz it up!

At the beginning of September, I started to get back into the routine of daily exercise. I walk on most days, but I was finding that after work I was often too tired and not quite so dedicated. I am trying each morning to walk on the treadmill (that Wayne got me for Christmas last year) for about 20 minutes. Grabbing a book makes the time on the treadmill pass so quickly that before I know it I'm done.

I also joined a jazzercise class this week. Jazzercise classes combine cardio moves to enhance endurance and burn mega calories, strength training to define muscles, and stretching to increase flexibility. We also use hand-held weights, giving us a total body workout while having fun! I just love it!
If you're interested in joining we meet twice a week (Wed 7pm & Sat 9am) at the public school in Zurich.
