Saturday, April 11, 2009 | By: Anita

Being busy

My cousin & good friend Sandra has been blogging about a variety of awesome things and making a point of posting 30 entries in 30 days. She had missed a day and I commented to her how much I missed it as I would check her blog daily to see what the next awesome thing would be. She told me she had been really busy and so I said it can be an awesome thing to be busy too and believe or not one of her posts was on being busy.

I too like to be busy..... I enjoy my w.h.a.t (women's hearts always together) group, my jazzercise class, my work, but I also like quiet time where I can sit and read for hours on end or take my dogs for long walks.

Today I was quite busy, after returning home from Jazzercise, I started cleaning the house and doing laundry. These have become the norm for Saturdays on the farm. Thankfully it was nice outside that I was able to hang the laundry on the wash line --nothing beats fresh smelling laundry. especially those stinky barn clothes

I had also decided that I wanted to do some baking, so I made this bunny cake:

and Craisin Muffins:

the recipe originally called for blueberries but since I did not have any, I adapted it. mhmm quite tasty
I needed to quick snap a picture because they didn't last very long.

As I'm showing the cake to Kyle he wanted to know if he could have a piece right away, after telling him no he decided to do this:

from this angle it looks like he's really biting into it.



Anonymous said...

Looks good enough to eat...LOL
I am sue it was HARD to keep ky away.....
Good day yesterday although I was hoping for a date to Cosco soon...
Happy Easter Blessings

Anonymous said...

i want that for my birthday! only with the shape of my face instead of a bunny. :P NOW there's a real challenge for the most amazing mennonite cooker-woman I know! ;) ;) ;) Next time let me know and I want to help! PLEASE!